电脑!我的隐私安全吗?Hey! How’s my privacy mean to computer?


Do you know your partner in front, computer will expose to your privacy? You might say, “I do not mind, since I have no important information can be stolen.” But will you say that forever? The answer is no. 


当越多的需要介入,你会有越多所谓的机密需要你眼前这位电脑帮你处理。久而久之,你的电子邮箱密码,网页密码,facebook, 论坛,msn,博客,相册。到你曾经放在储存设备里的文档,作业,照片。(记得陈冠希事件?)更进一步的,任何联系你金钱卡上的账户资料,公司里的高机密文件。

When the need come in, you will have the so-called secrets need to deal with the computer. Over time, your e-mail password, web password, facebook, forum, msn, blog, photo album. Further more, files, documents, photo you have placed in the storage devices.  (Remember the Edison Chen incident?) Further, any related cash, credit card information account and the company’s high-confidential documents. 



At that time, your fellow device meet expert, what do you think this fat fellow will do for you secret? Sum up, there are two situations to occur. First, The things that you do not want others to know will be reveal by the computer. Second is that this fat fellow was gripping to identify someone else than you, it let others do something with your identity, the person will have the right to use your name to do things. 

身份被盗=鬼上身 Identity Theft

其实在座各位中有80%的密码被盗了,但都不知道。最猖狂乱七八糟的还是msn密码。朋友发给你的链接,要你用你的msn账户密码登入的网站。这些稚嫩的小把戏还是能欺骗不下一半的人。要知道那位登入了你朋友msn的可不是他哦,他的身份已经被盗用了,就好象鬼上身一样,样子是他,可是灵魂却不是哦,他自己也不知道自己做了什么事~ 如果你相信了他,呵呵,下个跟随者就是你咯。

In fact,  80% of you had the passwords stolen, but do not know. A mess of the most reckless or msn password. A friend sent you a link to your msn account then those ask for your account and password sites. These tender little trick to deceive or no less than half of the people. Please do know who is on your friends’ msn.He may not him, his identity has been stolen, he do not know what he has done ~ If you believe him, be the follower. 


电子网络侦探 Cyber Forensics

给别人用你的电脑,移动硬盘,U盘等等。这有多危险呢?这方面我比较深入研究,因为大学里一个科目我负责网络取证(cyber forensics)的专题研究。李荔鹏上次和我说的不错,一般上要找电脑安全问题和解决方法就会找到许多骇客的工具和方法,比你主动去google怎么成为骇客更有效。我的专题研究是怎么寻找电子证据来作为法律呈堂供证,最后我发现最多的是怎么把你储存设备里已经清洗了的东西恢复出来。唉,如果我早些放上这文章,陈少爷早些看到,就不会那么麻烦了。

Let someone else using your computer, portable hard disk, thumb drive and so on. How dangerous? In this regard, I has more in-depth researches during my degree, because I was responsible to this topic (cyber forensics). Li Li Peng told me last time. When looking into computer security issues then you will find many hackers’ tools and methods,It is more than you take the initiative to google how to be a hacker. My research topic is likely a electronic detective to find out electronic evidence and present to the court for a legal permit, then finally I found the most was how to recover the data from your media storage devices and they should had already been deleted.


电子历史记录 LOG


As a cyber forensics, we have to search for evidence, it is necessary to start from the computer log. Perhaps you never not know how powerful is the log in your computer and www. (Google in the snigger at this time). You try on Google for some words. The word with your computer idenity, OS platform, browser information, IP, IP into the location, time zone time, and then page from and page to, on your Google account. It is recorded in the Log of Google. This is just an example of Google, he got critism because he is powerful and own the most users, but please be aware of others little application. even a common forum will have a complete logging system. Do not think that no body know what you have done. 


木马 Trojan 


Google just an examples, but I want you to think about, if you are using a lovely PC, and Trojan(virus) in PC after that? What is a Trojan horse? Trojans have two, when you got it. One in your computer and another one in the hacker’s computer. Trojan in your computer will try to retrieve whatever information hacker want then will sent to his server side Trojan. What do you think that your computer can do with your privacy? That’s why I’ll feel very irritating when seeing all my friends’ computer kena virus. Then every time I said don’t use the PC! As I really hate those virus creator.


密码恢复数据还原术 Password and Data Recovery 


Assuming that today you put your computer to me. Do you know what I can do with it? As the title, Recover the password and data from your computer which including deleted files. (This is the assumption that, first of all, I am not hacker level in these technology, Furthermore, I do not have this kind of  peeping personality. whoever friends send me his or her computer for repair, I will never do this. ) Here just to let you know, When you delete a file in your computer, What Microsoft do is just flag a little “deleted” marking in the harddisk sector, then it is not displayed on your computer system, but the data is still exists. For example, you use the XP, an XP world, XP,  XP said you have been deleted, so I don’t show you up. Then let’s say, I put you on another system, called Underworld, Underworld say, I am a detective, I have to see whatever happened, you come out and show me everything. That’s all. 




你可以用尽全力删除,之后再用乱码写入同一个磁段覆盖三次,能者还是有办法把数据恢复回来的。更何况你已个Ctrl + Del 就以为了事的,更不在他们话下。

另外,你在浏览器或软件里,IE, FF, Chrome,MSN, Skype, Outlook … 存的密码,其实只是存在电脑的某个角落,它用方程式帮你转换一下,让你暂时辨认不出吧了。试试这个MsgPassword 应该可以让你有个天眼通。还有这些 http://www.nirsoft.net/你可以慢慢试的工具。


Actually, need not so hard to restore data, unless you are professional. Non-professional has non-professional approach, you would like to try it? Google “EasyRecovery”, this is what I used in the presentation for the Cyber Forensics magic shows. You can take a look at these services too. 

You can delete your files as your best, and then over write with garbled character for three times. Those Cyber Forensics Expert will have the ability to restore all them. Moreover, you just hit a Ctrl + Del. 

Beside this, your browser or software, IE, FF, Chrome, MSN, Skype, Outlook … they keep the password in computer with some encryption so that you cannot identify them. Try this MsgPassword should be able to reveal something. There are those you can slowly try out http://www.nirsoft.net/




I am not expert in info tech. Which these are very outdated technology and information. but I just think that everyone should be given some basic information that to know and aware all these. to avoid irreparable  mistake cause by ignorance. Hopefully you can aware and do not look down this fat guy in front of you. Only trust who you can trust to use your computer.  Use private suft when using public computer. For those expert who has some tiny knowledges please respect others’ privacy to respect yourself. That’s all. All the best.

11 thoughts on “电脑!我的隐私安全吗?Hey! How’s my privacy mean to computer?

  1. 那我们该怎么办?这是没办法的是,别人提供服务,你使用服务,资料肯定要相互传输咯。不过我是这么想。



    所以,我们的密码,我们的资料,可不可以仅仅让电脑知道,比如我们的bank account password,能不能只存在电脑里,就算是bank 的IT technician,也不知道,这样我们就把自己的秘密让最信得过的电脑来保存。


  2. 突然想到一个问题~


  3. For those who got msn id pwd hacked, go to change your password should able to fix the problem. if still cannot… I have no idea. call and ask the genius Microsoft….
